Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/19/13 Rhino's stampeding on the plains of Anacostia

Welcome to the Dr. Von Rhino Blog!  

Here will be weekly updates on our games assuming someone helps do a write-up and takes some pictures that we can use here.  

Brought to you by the neighborly friendly Asian: 

The real meat of the first post: A recount our game against Dance Cafe on 10/19/13: 

We started the game off with a pleasant surprise - not only were Winston and Kate on time, they were already warmed up when we got there. And thank goodness, since we only had 3 girls. 
We went down by 4 points in the beginning caused by multiple problems including Winston kept getting confused as to whether he should knock the disc down on defense or offense (not literally but sorta).  Still, trusty Winston suggested a timeout call which was the true turning point of our day.  Why was it a game changer you may ask?

  1. We took this time to chill out and reboot our mental mindset
  2. Captains Micah and Geoff brought out our secret weapon: Natty Light (the true thirst quencher)
  3. The great spirit of our fans: Catherine, Sonja, and Tess gave us the X-factor.
  4. Kate led us through an epic emotional, visual, and sensational journey as we imagined Rhinos grazing on the barren plains of the Anacostia grasslands where we played alongside innocent, docile antelopes.  It was our time to pounce and charge them.  

The next point after the timeout, the opposing team pulled it out of bounds near their break mark where we taped it in. Winston redeemed himself and threw a break throw to Micah to end the streak.  (Not to forget that everyone on Rhino cut breakside upon the disc tap in since the defense was so force-side heavy).  Since that point, we started our fight back.  Kate had her normal sick break throws in the endzone. Rookie Man Tits added even more speed to our cutting line. Will showed up before halftime to give us an extra threat.  Dance still took half on us given their starting lead.  

The second turning point according to one LBP's thoughts was when we decided to throw a zone, someone ingeniously pulled it out of bounds, and we lined up like it was man defense. Right when it was tapped in, we got in our zone positions and Geoff got a point block on a girl. That was the start of our break streak run that amounted close to a 4-0 run; we definitely took the lead at 12-10 at one point.  In this run included big throws my Will to Man Tits and Man Tits with a sick toe-in score for a throw that was too far out the side.  Laura also had MULTIPLE Ds on her girl in the one point that it was near silly. They responded with a few points and then it was tied at 13-13 with game point to 14. But those of you who know Rhino history know that we don't lose to those clowns. We won on universe!  With great support from our endearing fans: Ms. Catherine and Sonja.

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