It's that time of the year that we need to get ourselves ready for another Rhino-tastic Fall season of Ultimate! Before we revel into what a great season we will have again, let's relay a few announcements to remember some of the recent changes that have happened:
A moment of silence for:
- Brit and Greg are still no longer here and think that being in Oregon is cool or something
- Foxy and Justin left to also go to the west coast (#trending?) and have left the Rhino warmth
- Dom left us to probably run around the country Forrest Gump style and we will remember his endless energy to run deep
- The twitter feed was unsuccessful and will be abandoned (probably)
Cheers and hurrahs for:
- A new Rhino couple has formed with one of our captains and a teammate, who doesn't like Sci-Fi. (I know it's tough to keep the secret...)
- Rhinos that have already tied the knot have kept it tight and others may be joining those ranks
- The blog will look to be updated more frequently this year (woohoo!)
Other news:
- The jury is still out for Woodle to see if he will show up to a game and grace us with his presence. (I'm still hopeful and keeping my fingers crossed)
- Whopper's aura of mystery has become transparent since is actual name has been revealed on the spreadsheet. From now on, I'm throwing to a "Brian Cipperly"...
- Pickles continues to love and adore pickles
- Hopefully the Cornell contingent of the Rhino clan will continue to grow with new and good talent
- Guardians of the Galaxy is a great movie!